英语英语图文练习帖12-How job descriptions lie(5)


When you’re looking at job descriptions, you may notice certain buzz words and phrases popping up again and again, and the company often lie about it.

Do you agree with the idea in this picture? Do you have the same experience?
Tell us your story!

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I think wherever you are, you should be a self-starter. In order to survive the competition one person should be proactive not reactive. As for training, steady or major companies have enough resources to do it. For little companies, survival is the number one priority and they have less resources to do training.

It makes sense and I'm taking this side with you :))

As for training, steady ["stable"好些] or major companies
For little [small] companies, survival is the number one priority

Very good expression:
In order to survive the competition [可以加个","] one person should be proactive not reactive.
the number one priority
I've learnt from your writing, thank you :)


I think everyone should be a self-starter, we need to do our duties spontaneously and find ways to improve our skills.
We can ask for help but do not expect other people to train us.
Because others are engaged in their work at the same time and don't have sufficient time to train us.
We, as self-starters, must feel compelled to take action without requiring additional prompting from supervisors.

一定要挑一点的话,"feel compelled to"大概是感到需要做的意思,前面用"must"搭配总觉得语义上有些不顺,你品一下呢?完全是个人感觉,整体都非常好了。


Same thing happened to me.
Last year, the front team needed a junior programmer. And asked me to assist in the interview.
An active young man was recruited.
But my leader assigned him an intermediate or above job. and no one guided him. After a week of trying ,he decided he wasn't up to it and left.

I think there are two ways to look at it :

  • everyone
    This may be an opportunity to get yourself out of the comfort zone and improve yourself
  • company
    Should hire the right person instead of the cheaper.

I think “Can be a self-starter” is a capability. No wonder some companies take “Must be a self-starter” as one of the job description.
Knowledge is endless, also, study is endless. You may meet a challenge at any time. What you need to do is analysis and handle it.

No wonder [用得很好] some companies take “Must be a self-starter” as one of the job description [如果你前面用了"one of"那后面的名词就得是复数噢].
What you need to do is analysis [如果是"need to do"后面接名词那这里名词不可裸奔比如加个定冠词,而如果是想写动词那单词错了噢] and handle it.
这个句子再多说一点,一般很容易错的地方: what you need to do is analyze and handle it [很多人会把"to"丢掉,正确写法是"what you need to do is to analyze it and to handle it"]

I think “Can be a self-starter” is a capability. No wonder some companies take “Must be a self-starter” as one of the job descriptions.
Knowledge is endless, also, study is endless. You may meet a challenge at any time. What you need to do is to analysis and to handle it.


Being a self-starter is a base capacity in nowdays. For the companies, these self-starters can reduce the prime cost and take part in work immediately. For us, it can keep our skill competitive. But for me, I perfer the companies which offers train. :)

So do I ;P

Being a self-starter is a base capacity [它有另外的意思反正不是你要的意思,建议使用"a basic capacity"/"...is basic"] in nowdays [没有"in nowadays"的用法,最常见的是"Nowadays,+句子"].
I perfer [用词不错但是拼错啦] the companies which offers [复数的时候动词要?] train.
these self-starters can reduce the prime cost and take part in work immediately


This is what I experienced in my current job. For new employees, most of the company has a training plan and I think it is a must coz for a new job people should know what skills they need to get and how to do it properly. If such training is not done, for the employees who don’t have the relevant experience, they may not know how to do and learning by themselves may be a risk for the company. For example, my company thinks that the new employees that they recruit have the relevant experience for their positions but that is not always true.Sometimes employees without the relevant experience can make a great mess in their work which can certainly cause a loss for the company.

I've experienced this in my last job, and that was quite struggling because without a well-designed training plan like you've mentioned here, the entry-level employees have no idea where to start. So basically, they strive for learning by themselves which leads to a waste of time.
---------------------------------------Remarks are as follows--------------------------------------------
This is what I experienced [现在时就不用过去式了] in my current job.
most of the company [复数以及其实去掉“most of”也可以的] has [相应作变换] a training plan
sometimes employees without the relevant experience can make a great mess in their work
[好像没有用“great mess”来指代“捅了个大篓子”这种用法,倒是有"from great mess to greatness",用来显示God的伟大...这里可以使用"a horrible mess"用来加深程度]
全篇你用了5个employee,虽然没错不过你可以试着换换表达。比如同义词像"staff members", "nine-to-fiver"。具体描述一个岗位比如"junior engineer"




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