

Welcome back! Let's finish our body part today.

Describe what you learned in your current job, and ask the manager to write a

reference letter to help you with future employment.



请在 4 句 话 内完成,简洁而清晰是关键。


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Dear Sir,
Wish you had a nice weekend, after thorough consideration, I have decide to leave this wonderful team, I'm sorry it's time to say goodbye to you.
Because I like Shanghai very much and I have always wanted to live in Shanghai, now I think all things are ready, I will go to Shanghai in several days.

I must acknowledge that those days working with you are unforgettable, and I took a lot of experience during working, besides, it will be great if I can get a reference letter from you.

语法上,在beisdes这里有点小问题,建议分成两句,即I took a lot of experience during working. Besides, it will be...这样。其他语法上没有问题了。

但是语气上,因为是向前Boss求推荐,那么既然要写了,就得表达出一种非常感激,非常真情的语气。前面尽量充满Thank you, Learned so much表达出很enjoy以前的成长的感觉,这里unforgertable也是非常好的词。但I must acknowledge that就好像有点僵硬,可以说I enjoyed working with you for the past unforgettable days, things have been very good here....

而后面请求写信的语气要非常真情,如Would you please, Would you feel confortable providing a good reference for me. Would you be available to serve as a reference 等等,尽量表达出礼貌真诚的感觉咯。

I enjoyed working with you for the past unforgettable days, and I took a lot of experience during work. Besides, would you feel comfortable providing a reference for me?


Time flies. It was five years since I had stepped into the company. With your help, I have become a veteran from a newbie. I appreciate it very much. Could you write a reference letter to help me with future employment?

It [has been] five years since I stepped into the company. 这个时态似乎更顺一点,因为你写邮件的时候其实还没有离开公司。
with [my] future employment 好像也是更顺一点。


I've been working with you for more than three years. I have learned a lot from you and you were a beacon for me to lead my success.
Besides, I think I have cooperated with a wonderful team which is managered by you. So it's will be an honor for me to received a reference letter written by you.
Thank you.

语法上:managered这里应该为managed。So it's will be 这里应该为so it will be哦 。to received 这里应该是to receive噢!

语气上是十分真诚的。有一些改进建议:开头出现了两次“I”开头句子,那么可以将其中一句改用形式主语的句子。如 It's hard to believe that it has been more than three years since we worked together. I have learned a lot from you, and you were my beacon which lead me to success.


It's hard to believe that it has been more than three years since we worked together. I have learned a lot from you and you were a beacon for me to lead my success.
Besides, I think I have cooperated with a wonderful team which is managed by you. So it will be an honor for me to received a reference letter written by you.
Thank you.


You are my mentor from the bootcamp. Thank you for guiding me all along in these two years. I became an experienced software engineer now. My new boss asked for a reference letter. Would you please take a moment to write a letter of recommendation for me?

非常好哦!没有语法问题,还回忆了bootcamp的日子,让人感到往事如烟。最后是new boss要求写推荐信,那么也是比较合理自然的要求,相信前导师会乐意为您再帮一把。



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还在想办法学英语?背单词?啃语法?nonono, it's time to use English 🙌 这是一个关于帮助,分享和成长的板块 在这里,英语只是你表达的工具,是你认识世界的最短路径,是你寻找更多机会的敲门砖。和我们一起大胆的先用起来,在 Github,在 Reddit,在 ProductHunt,我们乐意回答你在探索这个世界时遇到的任何关于语言和文化的困扰,并一起分享你的故事 ❤️ ✅ 在这里,你可以问任何关于英语的问题 (any levels!),可以分享你探索世界的故事,可以召集志同道合的小伙伴,无论任何话题、语言,只要能够给你,我,他/她带来帮助和成长,you're most welcomed 👏 ❌ 在这里,你不可以发表任何对个人、集体有攻击性、侮辱性的内容,不可以对他人的分享和提问进行嘲讽、否定,或者无意义的评论。 Peace and love, that's what we all need.

