Despite the popularity of remote and flexible working, not every company has embraced the concept. Here are some of the reasons why.
So in your opinion, What 【obstacles阻碍】 stand in the way of 【implementing 实施】remote working plans for a/your company?
As I have knowns, the reasons are as below:
2.In Chinese culture, people lack trust with each other. So at company, the boss don't trust the employees and he need everyone stay under his eyes.
Thank you!
As I know, the reasons are as follows:
the engineers must work with the hardwares【去掉s】
the boss don't 【doesn't噢!!!这个千万注意,主语是第三人称单数助动词是does,否定形式是doesn't】trust the employees.
As I know, the reasons are as follows:
Thank you for your comments very much !
The obstacles stand in the way of implementing remote work plans for my company are listed as follows:
Firstly, my company is an automotive electronic company and all the softwares that we code need to run in the specific cars. It is not possible to bring them back to home. Also, as a bsp software engineer, sometimes I need electrical engineer’s help to see if the hardware signals on my board are normal. It’s hard to do such work at home.
Secondly, I think there’s a mistrust between the company’s leaders and employees. The leaders may think employees may not be so engaged in their work when working at home. When in this February because of the pandemic we had to work at home, our manager held a meeting with us every day and also asked us to write daily report.Despite that he said again and again that working remotely did not mean having holidays at home,which makes me feel very uncomfortable.
Last but not the least, working remotely is challenging for all the employees . They have to arrange their time and communicate with each other efficiently.For lots of projects in my company, they may fail to catch the deadline.
这句话要拎出来说一下。如果你从句用when引导,本身已经在说当……时候,而"in this February"也在强调时间,同一句话表意会有重复,以及语法上比较乱。你可以说 In this February, when…把句子拆开,用逗号连结;再有"because of"和"when"也存在重复,直译成中文是:当疫情爆发,我们因为疫情2月不得不在家办公。如果你想说明是因为疫情,那么直接说"because of the pandemic"就好,如果你想突出疫情期间就去掉"because of",这之中其实隐含了因果。
特别注意despite的用法,非常容易出错。"despite"只能接名词或动名词,有时可接oneself,比如"despite being sick","despite yourself"。它的确可以接that从句,但是必须先跟"the fact"结合。整合起来就是,"despite the fact that"。
选择什么样的叙述方式其实都是个人偏好,而如果你选用了formal的写作方式,那整个文段就要避免缩写比如"it's", "there's"。这是书写规范层面的问题, 可能在考试或更严肃的场合需要注意一下。再来说到风格选择,其实能看出你的例子会更偏经历描述,所以是不是尝试用一些不那么formal的表达方式会更合适一点呢?把它想像成你在和朋友讲述你的看法去尝试一下?相对应学术写作,这时候就不需要太标签化的方式了,比如使用firstly,母语者写作时他们的转折和展开可能用词会让你看不出来层级递进,但是非常自然,这也是学习写作的难点。还比如写"it is not possible",informal就会写成"it's not","he didn't",还可能会带上一些习语。
It's a lack of a gene of flexible work, I think, it's the main obstacle stood in the way of implementing remote working plans in my company or other traditional organizations.
At the beginning of the year, under the quarantine, we had to work from home. But after the quarantine is over, our leaders couldn't wait to let us go back to the office. They never rethink whether a remote working plan is more efficient for our company.
我已经从看语法错误到更多看表意是否清楚和用词了,感觉你在逼我进步,well done!
一个小的语法错误:it's the main obstacle stood【standing】 in the way of implementing remote working plans. 注意一个句子中只有一个谓语动词。
"flexible work"改成"working"可能更好。
"it's the main obstacle"换成"that's"似乎更连贯,然后"that's"另起一句并首字母大写。
But after the quarantine is over【感觉"after"和"is over"有点重复】...
“rethink”这个词我能感觉出来你可能想表达慎思/三思这层意思,但是放在这里可能不是特别合适。这个词一般直接跟名词,比如:After sliding in the opinion polls, the party had to rethink its plan of campaign.
Thank you, I'm flattered. I can hardly find the precise word to express what I really mean sometimes. Thank you for your directions.
It's a lack of a gene of flexible working, I think.
That's the main obstacle standing in the way of implementing remote working plans in my company or other traditional organizations.
At the beginning of the year, under the quarantine, we had to work from home.
But after the quarantine, our leaders couldn't wait to let us go back to the office.
They never consider whether a remote working plan is more efficient for our company.
That's【补充上the main obstacle】 standing in the way of implementing remote working plans in my company or other traditional organizations.
A company that support reote working need highly self-conscious employees, but it's hard to find such kind of employees. I think this is the main obstacle stand in the way of implementing remote working for a company.
A company that support【主语是第三人称单数这里要+s】 reote【拼写错误】 working need 【主语是第三人称单数这里要+s】highly self-conscious employees.
I think this is the main obstacle stand【一句话中只能有一个谓语动词,这里应该是"standing"】 in the way of implementing remote working for a company.
"highly self-conscious employees"中的"highly self-conscious"的意思建议你去查一下字典,和你想的可能不太一致,建议换成昨天帖子中出现过的"self-disciplined"。"highly"的修饰用得蛮好。
Thank you!
I think this is the main obstacle stand【一句话中只能有一个谓语动词,这里应该是"standing"】 in the way of implementing remote working for a company. == 这里这个这个句子已经存在的谓语动词是think吗?
A company that supports remote working nedd highly self-disciplined employees, but it's hard to find such kind of employee. I think this is the main obstacle standing in the way of implementing remote working for a company.
能去思考非常棒!其实是前面的"be"动词,"I think"接的是从句所以不影响。
第二句有typo噢,而且要注意是第三人称单数作主语,这里应该是"needs"。以及既然是"such kind"了,那就是很多"employees"对吗~?
Speaking of the obstacles of working from home, first, you need to own a home. Second, er..., you need to find a job. :)
So true but it seems to be a bit of off-topic. ;P
BTW thanks for sharing the phrase "own a home". I thought it might be wrong but it turns out that it's commonly used. Error-free sentences, nice work!
Actually, because of the coronavirus outbreak, we have already been allowed to work at home some days a week, I think the most obstacle is that the network at home is not well as the office, so I need to spend more time on searching information.
意思很清晰,就是I think其实另起一行更好。时态ok,也用到了很相关的词,蛮好!
In my opinion, besides working culture, a most actually problem is communication between members of team
a most【a more/the most】 actually【actual】 problem is 【the】communication between members of 【in a】team
语法上注意可数名词不可以裸奔,当然也有一些特殊情况但通常是需要有定冠词/不定冠词修饰的。再来比较级和最高级的用法要注意一下。这里如果你想表达最实际,那使用 the most 比较好,但我好像没有查到the most actual problem这样的用法,如果你在哪里看到欢迎告诉我让我学习一下~如果你要表达更实际的问题,那用more actual就可以。其他没什么问题,欢迎你再修改一下,继续加油~
These questuons are obstacles stand in the way of implementing remote working plan.
How make effective on communication.
How keep quality with the task .
I feel there are the following reasons that obstacles stand in the way of implementing remote working plans:
1、The boss doesn't trust the employees in the China. / Chinese bosses distrust employees.
2、Few remote jobs.
3、There are certain requirements for the level of communication.