英语英语图文练习帖10-How job descriptions lie(3)


When you’re looking at job descriptions, you may notice certain buzz words and phrases popping up again and again, and the company often lie about it.

Do you agree with the idea in this picture? Do you have the same experience?
Tell us your story and how you solve this problem!


This usually happens in small companies where there are not enough tasks for a full-time job, so the company will combine several jobs into one to save money.
I think this kind of position is a good training opportunity for newbies. Even though they will more painstaking than others, they can accumulate a lot of skills in a short time.
But if we have several years of experience and have a clear job career plan, we should find a job that fits our career plan well enough.
We should avoid doing too much trivial work which will not let us improve our ability.

Even though they will 【加上be,因为painstaking是形容词,要用‘是’什么样的连接】more painstaking than others.

You did a very awesome work at the rest of the part! Super start of the week!

This usually happens in small companies where there are not enough tasks for a full-time job, so the company will combine several jobs into one to save money.
I think this kind of position is a good training opportunity for newbies. Even though they will be more painstaking than others, they can accumulate a lot of skills in a short time.
But if we have several years of experience and have a clear job career plan, we should find a job that fits our career plan well enough.
We should avoid doing too much trivial work which will not let us improve our ability.


Most small companies like hiring all-rounders. It could reduce labor cost in an indirect way. But it is unfriendly for the employees, it means no clear career development.

Yup! You got a very good point at this situation, lowering the cost is the first goal for most of the companies.
You also did a very good job at using the language, keep up the good work!


From the boss's point of view, if one employee could do multitasks, it would save costs. But in fact, if I'm applying for this job, I will tell the HR that " I am experienced in Javascript and can use Excel and Photoshop skillfully. But I think my main energy should spend on Javascript Programming".

Very good point to solve this problem! Smart move! (表示你这个行为真的很出彩很有创意性)


I think this is true for some enterprises, especially for those small ones, and it's a good thing for beginners, isn't it? Firstly, the newcomers may have more opportunities to sharpen their skills in various fields. Secondly, if you do these tasks well, it's hard for a company to replace you and you can ask for more.

Totally true, and it seems that you're sort of "growth-minded" in the sense of embracing more challenges and thinking in a positive way.
Expressions are perfect!


The range of salary is 10 ~ 20k per month.Actually,most of the candidates get the lowest standard~

Hi Ivan, very good to see you tried to leave your opinions here!

However, I am sorry that I don't really get your point, could you explain it to me in another way? (or in Chinese), I will help out to find a way to express it better.

I think his point is that the company only wants to pay the lowest salary. In his example, it is 10k.



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