Working from home became a trend in America for a long time, however, it's just started in China.
After you read this chart with the result of a survey about how people think of the benefits to work from home in the US,
What is the top benefit for you to work from home in China? Why?
- 这是社区的[英文练习帖],欢迎大家用不超过3句的英文来回答上面最后的问题。话不在多,精炼表达是更好的练习。
If you're a tech professional in China, working remotely might be the only way for you to achieve work-life balance!
Very topic-related vocabulary! Nice!
Working from home gives me more flexible time, so I'm able to shoulder more responsibilities for my family.
My wife has been a devoted housewife since we had our son, but if I start work from home and share more household duties, she can go to work and seek her dream, and that will make her happier.
用得很好的地方是 shoulder responsibilities 以及 share duties,看得出来是有积累的。没有语法错误,逻辑顺畅读起来很舒服,赞!
有些地方会给我一点下意识在用中文写的感觉,比如 flexible time 这里。其实也没有问题,不过如果 google 一下会发现大家似乎更常用 flexible schedule 和 working hours。不过这更像是我的个人感受,仅作参考,也欢迎如果你感兴趣自己再写一遍~
Working from Home is the top benefit to me. Because I have a really big house, haha.
Well, happy to know :P
An advantage of being a countryman -- you can build your house as big as you want.
1.we can work more efficiently;
We don't have to commute, we can go back to desk to write code and text after having breakfast immediately;
2.we have more time with family;
Commute 用得很地道:) 后面的描述也很场景化,简单直接意思清晰,well done!
小建议是标点使用再注意一下,如果是完整句子那使用句号就可以了。以及如果想按照文段去写,也是不太需要加”1/2“,但如果你只是为了列 bullet points 倒是没什么关系。
tks for your reviewing
As a married guy,"The time with family" is the top benefit for me to work from home.
Coz I don't want to miss the time that my baby grows up.
期待后面你的参与;) 这边哪里有不妥的地方也欢迎其他伙伴多留言,互相学习~
Better indeed!Very thx to you.
At present, I am a stay-at-home mom, and I hope to do a remote career in the future because I can spend more time with my baby
Well done!
Perhaps "doing/having a remote job" is more commonly used recently, while it doesn't mean that yours is wrong.
Accompany my family every day
First of all, we should distinguish between ‘work at home’ and ‘work from home’.
Interesting point.
因为特殊原因在家办公是通常意义上的 work from home,意思是原本这些事会在公司或家之外的地方完成;而 work at home 含义更丰富一点,不仅不限于是工作事务,也可以表达本身就在家里工作(比如一些freelancers)。但其实在很多字典或语境下似乎这种区别不那么明显了,也想听听你的见解呢:)
As a working mum with two kids,it really drives me crazy if your kid is ill but you have to go to the office. I think I can have a much better balance of work and life if I can work remotely.
没有什么语法错误表达也很流畅自然,drives me crazy这里用得很好~
It allows me to take care of my aging parents and young children. To achieve a balanced lifestyle at the same time. Furthermore, it lowers the cost of living compared to living aboard by myself.
I can work in any city at any time I want.
As I, work from home benefited from my family, in that my infant son too youngest can split my wife's homework.
hello 同学,这个句子的不是很完整,我大概猜想到的意思是:
我在家远程工作的话,可以帮助我老婆做家务,照顾我的infant son. 那么可以这么表达:
As I work remotely at home, I can help my wife do housework and take care of my youngest infant son.
Well, I would say it's flexibility. You are able to arrange your time as your wish, which also contributes to your availability to your customers. Every day could be a workday or a holiday, it all depends on you :)
good job!
😊😊 thx
I think "save time" and "can work everywhere" are the top benefits of working from home. Because there is no need to go to company any more and you can choose a working place that you want.
I think "save (saving) time" and "can work (working) everywhere" are the top benefits of working from home.
??? 你认真的吗?还是故意抬杠?
Fist of all,working from home saves me commuting time. Second,I have the freedom to choose where I work. Finally,working at home allow me to manage my time more calmly.
”fist“是拳头的意思噢,这里的"me"换成"my"更合适。在选择词汇上,建议你可以考虑看一下英英字典(很多app或者网页都可以不需要翻书),虽然听起来似乎很困难,不过可以尝试一下~比如拿 calmly 举例:
这里可以看到 frightening 和 unusual 这两个关键词。例句有:
Thank you for your suggestion.
Saved time of commute to make more happy days with my family and learn more about life. life is short,so I'm working with python.
Do you think if this slightly better?
Saving commute time and being happier with my family and enjoying more life is about.
Life is short, and I'm working with Python.
Thanks very much.
The first question, my point is to let myself grow systematically.
The second question, my point is to save commuting time, the time schedule is more flexible, I can use my time in a planned way to continue learning.
Life includes working just like life includes family, rather than work before family.
Work and family are both of great importance.
But for me, I prefer to create happy moments with my family rather than work too hard.
I can control my time and with my family.
I can do better in time management, which allows me to spend more time with my family.
I can work in any body position. :D
1.undisturbed 可以用 uninterrupted 会更better一些. 前面需要加上冠词哦,譬如the press或者a press.
3.最后应该是想表达改善效率?那应该是improve efficiency.
For me, working from a house may have some benefits, but working from home not. If you have a big family and live in a not that big apartment, you will understand what I am saying. So the top benefit for me to work from home is that I will value the time when I work at a real office.
很好哦没有语法错误!但是有些中式英语的赶脚。建议可以用there, it 这样的句式开头。譬如
“For me, working from a house may have some benefits, but working from home not”这里,可以用There may be some benefits for me to work from "a house", but it does not the same to work from "home".
最后可以加一个more 再value the time 后面,这样意思会更清晰些~
First, i can acquire higher payment when i am living second-tier city
Second, I wanna encouter more interesting people who have interesting life
First [用First of all可能更贴切一些], i 「i改成大写,后面的i同样」can acquire higher payment when i am living second-tier city
Second, I wanna ** encouter 「拼写错误,正确的应该是:encounter」** more interesting people who have interesting [have an interesting, “一个”有趣的life] life
For me, I can arrange my own time. I like to make lunch by myself, then go out to find a cafe in the afternoon, stay until evening, and then go running or other gym.
go to the gym
Honestly I have been an office worker after graduation. But I had experienced working remotely during the period of pandemic. And I found there are so many rewarding parts for remote working, especially to programmer. But I think the most top benifit to me is it save the time of commute. Because it takes me almost three hours to drive between home and company now. And the traffic jam makes me feel upset all day. So avoiding commute peak, I would have much more time to do something meaningful rather than be compelled to listen radio on the road.
If I were you, I would rewrite it as below:
I have been working at the office since my graduation.
I started experiencing the benefits of remote work during the period of the pandemic, especially as a programmer.
The top benefit was eliminating the commute time all together.
It costs me almost three hours to drive between home and work.
Traffic jams make me upset all day long.
No more commuting means that I can spend more time on things that are meaningful rather than being compelled to listen to the radio on the road.
Actually I never thought about working at home until COVID-19, consequently I felt comfortable. Nobody pushed me for deadline again.
Actually I never thought about working at home until COVID-19, which allows me to feel more comfortable, and nobody pushed me for deadline again.
I think which benefits me the most is that I could have a flexible schedule. As I set myself to a casual guy, I always begin to do something when any of them spots in my head. And if after then I get no disturbing I’ll finish it very quick, otherwise there would be a terrible result...
“No commute” is the best reason why I want to work from home, it can save almost three hours per day for me.
哇 非常棒!从原文中摘取了"No commute" 选项,有很认真看题。
Working form home will make me happy, i can feel more freedom and take care my baby.
试一下用it will make me happy to do sth的句型全部改写一下?这样会更加地道些!
Two benefits:
2."Time with family". I could spend more time with my cute baby and take care of her.
欧耶,Well done! 直接引用了原文中的选项,有认真读题,很棒!
Interesting, we just discussed this topic when we were having the team meeting yesterday.
Hahaha what a consident!
I think the top benefit for me is,i can take care of my family, and, my hometown had becoming more and more good, working at here is a fine choice
I think the top benefit for me is,i(大写嘻嘻!) can take care of my family, and, (逗号可以去掉)my hometown had becoming (用过去分词became)more and more good(better), working at here is a fine choice
English has a little bit colorful for my mundane life
Do you think if it better to rewrite it as:
English adds a little color to my mundane life.
What do you think?
WFH so that you can keep the virus away. that's the biggest benefit. lol
让我想起那句老话 "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
WFH 在这个语境下用缩写是可以理解,不过换到其他场景如果不是国际通用比如ASAP/a.m./以及你后面用的lol之类这种缩写,可能不便于读者阅读所以还是写全更好。以及句号后“that's”记得大写噢~
I live in a small town and work for a company in a big city.
Loneliness stimulates inspiration and imagination. i hate people being around with me most of the time even as an EXTRIVERT. what's more.i always wanna travel from city to city, from town to town, rather than stuck in the same one.