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According to the job description, I think the company needs a technical director who can guide other programmers.
The recruitment commissioner wanted to express this idea in a humorous way. We, as a software engineer, will understand instantly as we see it.
Ah, I see... You've made your point and it gives another way of thinking :)
hiring managers 替换 recruitment commissioner
when we see it 替换 as we see it
as we see it 建议查一下例句看看是在什么情况用比较合适~
According to the job description, I think the company needs a technical director who can guide other programmers.
The hiring managers wanted to express this idea in a humorous way. We, as a software engineer, will understand instantly when we see it.
I think it is a prank. It is difficult to find a right person for the company. Maybe this company is relatively small and it is hard to find great employee. So with this joke, it can attract everyone's attention and probably help to find a right person.
基本没问题啦!细节给你再纠一下:and it is hard to find great employee[a great/employees]...find a [the] right person.
I think this is self mockery and joke. Notice that the job description was posted by general manager. And the manager of the small company usually has engineer background. Now the manager is looking for a technical director.