招聘&找人【全职远程】13k-28k/区块链技术公司招/Senior Backend Engineer/Senior Frontend Engineer/智能合约开发工程师




我们是一个基于唯链区块链技术搭建的数字收藏品智能 NFT 平台, 由在唯链雷神区块链上铸造的 EHrT 代币驱动。做为一个数字收藏品与游戏综合生态圈,在这里你可以获得新的 VIM,或者与你现有的 VIM 进行互动。VIM 是 Virtually Integrated Metadata(虚拟集成元数据)的缩写,是一种生活在唯链雷神区块链上的智能非同质化代币(NFT)。我们已与游戏行业中很多重量级的人物以及多家游戏发行商达成合作,其中包括卡坦工作室(Catan Studio)以及全球知名桌面游戏出版及发行品牌 Asmodee(艾赐魔袋)。



⚠️ 人才库职位编号:044


  1. 负责PC端产品和移动端产品等前端研发工作;

  2. 与UI设计师、产品经理、后端研发紧密工作,产出高质量前端页面;

  3. 参与公司各项目WEB前端研发工作,参与各种项目开发环节,提供前端解决方案。

  4. 根据用户需求或产品功能进行业务流程梳理、前端页面设计、交互设计;

  5. 优化产品和网站的用户体验,提升兼容性、友好性和易用性,跨平台及跨浏览器的一致性

  6. 完善前端组件资源、业务套件功能,维护及优化网站前端性能,优化前端开发模式和规范

  7. 协同服务端工程师完成前端与程序对接,及产品项目的制作和前端效果的实现


  1. 具有软件设计开发最佳实践的良好意识。

  2. 熟练掌握各种前端技术,熟练ES规范,熟练运用相关框架和库 ,包括 HTML/CSS/JavaScript/TypeScript/Node.js/Express/KOA/react/vue 等;

  3. 精通JavaScript,熟悉ES6等新语法,熟悉TypeScript基础,理解JavaScript原型继承、函数、作用域,熟练使用ES6,了解常见异步处理方案,如Promise等等;

  4. 精通HTML, CSS 和 Material UI,以及熟练使用相关工具。

  5. 熟悉页面架构和布局,对表现与数据分离、Web语义化等有深刻理解,对HTML5/CSS3等技术有相当了解

  6. 对Redux, React's Context API or 等状态管理工具和库非常熟悉。

  7. 对区块链技术有浓厚的兴趣,有开发DAPP的经验的优先。

  8. 深入了解HTTP/HTTPS 协议 以及请求的过程与原理,熟悉常见HTTP状态码;

  9. 认真负责,善于沟通,优秀的团队合作精神;


⚠️ 人才库职位编号:045


  1. 负责后端API开发工作;

  2. 与基础架构工程师、运维工程师一起实现稳定、可扩展的后台服务 ;

  3. 数据驱动,不断通过产品和技术数据进行改进,并完成快速迭代;

  4. 与区块链技术密切融合,向前端以及其他客户端提供API服务。


  1. 对计算机相关基础知识有较好理解,了解常用数据结构和算法;

  2. 精通JavaScript,熟悉ES6等新语法,熟悉TypeScript基础,理解JavaScript原型继承、函数、作用域,熟练使用ES6,了解常见异步处理方案,如Promise等等;

  3. 有Node.js服务端程序开发经验;对nodejs服务构架非常熟悉。

  4. 掌握常用数据库(MongoDB/MySQL/Redis等)使用场景、原理以及优化 ;

  5. 熟悉Thorify, Web3, Connex等区块链编程的优先

  6. 熟悉缓存架构设计、redis使用;

  7. 良好的编码风格、沟通能力和团队合作精神,有责任感;

  8. 有很强的学习能力,有主动性和上进心,能承担压力。

  9. 熟悉AWS的优先


⚠️ 人才库职位编号:046


  1. 负责维链(VeChain)智能合约(Solidity)的开发和实现;

  2. 分析业务流程中的中心化业务场景,设计和实现智能合约

  3. 相关智能合约代码测试方案的制定和测试;

  4. 负责对智能合约运行维护、演进升级等全栈技术工作

  5. 根据项目需求,开发并测试区块链智能合约 SDK,支持应用层快速开发和链交互调度使用


  1. 精通ERC20,ERC721, ERC777等合约标准,有智能合约开发经验

  2. 熟练掌握Solidity智能合约开发, 熟悉相关开发测试、部署工具、深入理解EVM

  3. 熟悉OpenZeppelin等第三方 安全合约库;

  4. 熟悉NodeJS 和web3.js, ethers.js库等,

  5. 熟悉一个或多个主流DApp项目,了解其核心机制。

  6. 对smart non-fungible token有独到研究与见解, 有相关DAPP/去中心化项目开发者优先;

  7. 熟悉Linux,有加密货币或区块链技术实际项目经验者优先

  8. 有MongoDB、等NoSQL数据库开发经验。了解分布式存储并具有相关经验者优先。

  9. 熟练掌握Node.js等开发语言者优先;

  10. 计算机或计算机相关专业,本科以上学历,良好的英语读写能力

  11. 至少3年以上互联网或应用软件技术开发经验,精通Python、Javascript等多种开发语言;

  12. 能阅读和理解优秀的开源系统代码,有参与开源代码或者开源框架贡献者优先;





Senior Smart Contract Engineer

This is a revolutionary smart non-fungible token (Smart NFT) ecosystem. As part of  the VeChain community, we are leading the industry with our unique product offerings such as the fusion of physical and digital collectibles.

We use a variety of technologies: NodeJS and Typescript for blockchain integration, solidity for smart contracts. In addition, we utilize React, Typescript, MongoDB, unity, AWS, etc. Generally, we try to use whatever tool is best for the job, without letting the stack grow too complicated.

We own our technology from end to end, with the support of the VeChain technology community at large.

The Opportunity:

We're looking for someone who creates libraries and services with empathy for the user, be they internal or external. You will work with a team of expert developers to develop blockchain-based decentralized applications for Smart NFT products.

What you'll be doing primarily and required qualifications:

Solid understanding of ERC20,ERC721, ERC777

Have experience on smart contracts development

Have skills, knowledge and a good sense of best practices in design and security.

Are strong in Solidity, Solid knowledge of related testing, deployment tool.

Good understanding of EVM.

Familiar with third party libraries, such as OpenZeppelin.

Fluent in NodeJS, web3.js, thorify.

Having experience in DAPP development is a huge plus.

Strong interest in and some experience with blockchain technology.

Having experience with Ethereum smart contract development is a huge plus.

Excel at learning languages quickly.

Are comfortable collaborating remotely.

Are comfortable with Linux.

Have experience and be comfortable with Git, Jira.

Have experience with testing practices.

Bonus if you have experience with:

MongoDB, MySQL or Postgres, AWS

Senior Backend Engineer

What you'll be doing primarily and required qualifications:

Have at least three years experience in software engineering.

Have skills, knowledge and a good sense of best practices in design and security.

Are strong in NodeJS and/or Typescript, Solid knowledge of NodeJs framework

Has very deep understanding of JavaScript, ES6, Typescript, Promise

Strong interest in and some experience with blockchain technology.

Having experience with Ethereum smart contract development is a huge plus.

Excel at learning languages quickly.

Are comfortable collaborating remotely.

Are comfortable with Linux.

Have experience and be comfortable with Git, Jira.

Have experience with testing practices.

Bonus if you have experience with:

MongoDB, MySQL or Postgres, AWS

Senior Frontend Engineer

Required Qualifications, Skills & Attributes

● 3+ years of work experience in software engineering.

● Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering or closely related technical discipline.

● Expert knowledge of and working experience in HTML and CSS.

● Deep understanding of Material UI and Reactjs Components.

● Foundational knowledge of Javascript (without a framework).

● Strong experience with React or a similar SPA framework (we use React, but if you're an Angular expert and want to switch, we'd be happy to talk to you provided you are a quick learner and want to learn a new technology!)

● Skillful in React Typescript or a similar SPA framework

● Deep understanding of and well versed in Redux, React's Context API or other state management tools!

● Have experience and be comfortable with Git, Jira as well as testing best practices.

● Able and willing to start as a contractor with the potential and interest in becoming a future employee of VIMWorld.

● Good communication skill.

● Bonus if you have experience with:  MongoDB, MySQL or Postgres, AWS

● Having experience with Ethereum smart contract development is a huge plus.

You’re A Great Fit If…

● You know how to consider multiple perspectives when communicating and enjoy cross-departmental collaboration

● Dedication, Self-Discipline, and Perseverance are virtues with which you identify

● You have the startup mentality of being an owner, not a renter

● You value design-centric thinking to drive the iterative development process

● Your highest concern is the user’s engagement

● You’re excited for bringing products to life, motivated to take ownership and shape it


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需消耗电量 5



