杭州秘猿科技有限公司(Cryptape Co.,Ltd.)的使命是用技术创造信任,为未来数字世界构建新的基础设施和服务。秘猿科技成立于 2016 年 ,2017 年获得招银国际战略投资,是一家以纯研究与工程为导向的技术公司,在区块链领域实力深厚。
我们具有丰富的区块链生态实践经验。从 2011 年开始参与或主导各种区块链项目,包括世界第一个开源的数字资产交易平台貔貅 Peatio;星火矿池 Spark pool; 以太坊 Ethereum;以太坊爱好者社区 Ethfans; 开源区块链底层内核 CITA ;与招商银行等主流金融机构进行的金融+区块链合作;以及现在正在开发的 Nervos CKB 和 Muta 等等,涵盖了区块链生态的各个方面。
我们具有深厚的区块链技术研发和工程实力。首席架构师谢晗剑曾是由 Vitalik Buterin 所领导的以太坊 (Ethereum) 研究团队中唯一的中国成员,参与设计了包括 Casper 在内的以太坊下一代核心算法,后带领团队设计并实现了中国第一个开源高性能区块链 CITA 及新一代公有链 Nervos CKB,撰写了多篇区块链研究及技术文章并提出了“公有许可链”(又称“开放联盟链”)的概念。首席科学家张韧博士毕业于鲁汶大学 COSIC 实验室,长期专注于区块链共识协议、安全和隐私研究,在国际顶级密码学及区块链会议上发表过多篇论文,曾在 Blockstream 与 Pieter Wuillie 和 Gregory Maxwell 共同工作。首席产品官王博为原中钞区块链研究院产品总监,曾设计参与多个重大区块链项目。
我们一直奉行开放和开源的精神,坚信透明是信任的基础,开源是区块链的基石,所有项目代码均在 Github 开源。我们与国内外多家研究机构及团队建立了长期的合作关系和良好的交流通道,无条件的与合作伙伴分享研究成果。
- 公司官网:https://www.cryptape.com
- 招聘地址:https://www.cryptape.com/join
- 我们的代码:https://www.cryptape.com/code
- 纯技术、最前沿、极具挑战的成长环境,一群志趣相投的小伙伴。
- 追求 geek 文化的技术导向团队,扁平管理,你的薪资由实力做主。
- 每年 N 次的外出学习交流机会(不论世界任何地方),不定期团队技术大牛的技能分享与技术培训,满足你的学习欲望。
- 其他各种让工程师意想不到,但是却专门为工程师考虑的各种福利
Front-end Development Engineer (MUTA / Full-time / Semi Remote)
This role will be responsible for the development of blockchain tool chain components, including wallets, blockchain browsers, smart contract debugging tools, SDK, etc.
Select and design product front-end technical solutions
Design and develop the front-end presentation layer and interaction with the back-end
Minimum Qualifications
At least three years of work experience, with certain back-end development experience
Proficient in React
Experience with Node.js
Familiarity with TypeScript
Familiarity with GraphQL
Preferable Qualifications
Familiarity with the principles of blockchain technology, or experience in Dapp development
Experience in browser plug-in or desktop application development
Hands on experience in back-end development, familiar with a back-end language (Ruby, Python, Rust, etc.)
Open to share with us your own blog or site
Participated in open-source project development
Senior DevOps Engineer (MUTA / Full-time / Semi Remote)
Proficient in Ubuntu / CentOS / Gentoo and other Linux distributions
Build monitoring and data platforms based on Prometheus, Open-Falcon, ElasticSearch, etc.
Knowledge in any development language such as Python / Ruby / Golang / Rust, can develop related automation tools, enthusiasm to automate operation and maintenance
Knowledge in Linux system principles and common network protocols such as HTTP / DNS, understand virtualization, and can quickly locate and troubleshoot problems
Master one of the orchestration tools such as Ansible / Chef / Puppet / Terraform
Experience in cloud platform service operation and maintenance such as Aliyun / AWS
Minimum Qualifications
Knowledge in Docker and related technologies, understand the principles of Docker
Experience with large-scale distributed online system operation and maintenance
Experience with CI / CD
Experience in data collection and analysis
Basic knowledge in blockchain
Preferable Qualifications
Familiarity with blockchain system
Experience in smart contract security audit
Senior Blockchain Engineer (Axon / Full-time / Remote)
Design and implement the layer-2 chain solution for Nervos Network.
Explore new frontiers that can push the boundaries of the Nervos Layer-2 ecosystem.
3+ years experience in software development.
Proficiency in at least one system language, e.g. Rust, C/C++, etc.
Familiarity with Ethereum, Bitcoin, or other blockchain projects.
Preferred Qualifications
Maintainer of open source libraries or experience working with open source projects.
Experience in smart contracts development.
Knowledge of Layer 2 and other scaling solutions, e.g. Plasma, sharding, channel network and/or rollups.
还有很多其他岗位(TypeScript/JavaScript 高级开发工程师、性能工程师、研究员、测试开发工程师)在持续招聘中,篇幅有限不一一列举,具体招聘信息可查看官网招聘地址:https://www.cryptape.com/join
简历投递邮箱,投递简历请备注来自 电鸭
支持一下,顺便请问你们招part time eng吗?
你好,暂时不招聘 Java 开发,可以看下其他岗位有没有匹配的哦~
看着不错 支持一下
支持, 请问还在招人吗?区块链rust开发