英语英文讨论帖14-为什么你要学英文?Why are you learning English?



So do we really have a deep thought that why we are learning English?

Leave your reasons to hear and let's find out your motivation!


God let people speak different languages and scatter around the world to stop them from building the Tower of Babel.
So the different languages we speak are barriers if we want to cooperate with other people in the world.
English is the most commonly used language in the world up to now
, therefore we have to master it to work with people around the world.
Besides, learning English gives me a lot of fun, and it's a new means to understand the world.

I just googled “the Tower of Babel”, it is from The Book of Genesis and explains why world’s peoples speak different languages. I learnt a lot from you!

Haha, glad to see "the Tower of Babel" in this context :)) It becomes divine for everyone to bridge the gap between each other by learning their languages. Very nice structured and clear as usual, and thank you for keeping sharing with others!
God let [改成made或许更好些但是也没问题] people speak...and scatter around[这个词用得很好,不过这句话如果你直接写"scatter around"需要加具体的人或物表明分开谁,如果是想表达散落各地的状态,需要用分词"scattered around"去修饰人或物。简单点可以改成: made people speak and scattered them around the world]。
其他没什么啦!Keep going and I've learned much from you as well, thank you ;)))

God made people speak different languages and scattered them around the world to stop them from building the Tower of Babel.
So the different languages we speak are barriers if we want to cooperate with other people in the world.
English is the most commonly used language in the world up to now
, therefore we have to master it to work with people around the world.
Besides, learning English gives me a lot of fun, and it's a new means to understand the world.


For me, using English is best tool to reach out more sources from all around the world.
God knows how Baidu sucks at searching information 🙄

Baidu it 😫,Google it 😄

FAKE NEWS: Baidu just won the "Search Engine Prize #1", well, the suckest one.
But fake news can be true in some aspects sometimes.


More possibilities and more opportunities. With English, you can find more desirable jobs, make more friends from all over the world. Here is another novel idea. Teach your child English and save the English course fees for him or her. LOL. Let him or her feel interesting of learning English like you felt before. More reading, more talking. Not just for the final exams.

Teach your child English and save the English course fees for him or her. LOL.

Brilliant ;)

More possibilities and more opportunities. With English, you can find more desirable jobs, [加个and比较好]make more friends from all over the world.
Let him or her feel interesting of [in] learning English like [as] you felt before.

More possibilities and more opportunities. With English, you can find more desirable jobs and make more friends from all over the world. Here is another novel idea. Teach your child English and save the English course fees for him or her. LOL. Let him or her feel interesting in learning English as you felt before. More reading, more talking. Not just for the final exams.

  C             G

nothing push, never play.
Em D
only a tool, people say.
Em F
Money,money, much to pay.
learning english, all the way.

Wow brilliant! :)))))
Is it for guitar or ukulele?
Not sure if the music still needs grammar though XDD So I won't change anything in your lyrics.
But everyone raises the roof [来狂欢吧] ;P


Do I have a deep thought about it? No.
When I was at school I learned English to get high scores in exams. It was not that fun. After I graduated from school, I learned English to watch US TV series without subtitles, to read English original books, to learn new technology, and to communicate with other people around the world. It becomes much fun now.

The same :))
Error-free expressions, well done!


I am a Gemini and I am curious about the world. English is one of the most popular languages around the world. So it will open a window to look at the world by learning English. If I speak English fluently, I could interact with people from different countries, nations, cultures. And I have a dream that one day I could live in another country with different cultures.

You're a Gemini haha, nice to know! That's so true if you learn English and you'll get access to diverse information, and it's much easier to present your thoughts and culture to others.
Maybe better to choose between "countries" and "nations" instead of using them together in the sense of avoiding repetition. The others are perfect expressions!


Frankly, I want to leave China and go to Canada. Vancouver is my dream place in which own beautiful natural environment, fairer job opportunities and better education system.
I've been working as a software developer, all the first-hand technical materials were written by English.
So English is very important for me. I study it every day. And expect to speak it fluently in 2 years.

Thank you for sharing! Moving to a new country needs lots of courage and effort, and particularly language skills may be the biggest barrier for new immigrants to get involved in the local community. It'll be of great help since you're immersed in English every day. Hope you can realize your goal very soon ;))
my dream place in which own [owns-但是这个单词应该是不这么用的,一般是指人拥有什么财产,所以最好简单用has]
all the...materials were written by [in] English
And expect to speak... 这句是没有主语的,如果你想整篇文段用比较正式的写法最好这里补齐主语或者合前面逗号隔开。


English is a learning tool. Mastering English can help you quickly acquire new information and knowledge.


Two reasons for me: make more money to travel the world:)

Fair enough! English is just another practical tool~~

  • Want the ideal job

    Must I study English for an ideal job? NOT.

    English is a worldwide language, which can broaden my horizons, give me more opportunities or choices. and make it easier to find the ideal job .

  • There are more possibilities

    • In many industries, including the insdustry I work in, Frontier information is always published first in the English language, and English can help me reduce the information gap.

    • Just my interest , I want to travel freely in English-speaking countries.

I've got information clearly from your structure and explanation, and I find something in common in terms of the purpose of English learning ;)
使用bullet points是很容易让读者获取信息的方式,就是稍微注意一下表达的统一。
比如第二点是一个完整句子,但是上面的不是,是不是改成"an ideal job"和"more possibilities"更好一些些(只是个人看法啦)。
Must I study English? Not[No].
English is a worldwide [一般不这样用,通常是is used worldwide] language
give[s] me more...这里我的感觉是主语是English,所以动词还是应该变形,但是我不太确定,欢迎其他人评论~
. [改成逗号]and make it easier to find the ideal job


I was attracted deeply by the movie Forrest Gump when I was a child, so I kept reading and learning the script.
The intention motivated my English learning appetition.
I hope I could earn money using English, communicate with persons all around the world.

I watched Forrest Gump for 3 times. Though I didn't learn the scripts and know the story as well as you do, I do like it.

The intention motivated my English learning appetition[这个单词好像拼错了?不太确定这里要表达的意思].
I hope I could earn money [by] using English, [and] communicate with persons [people更好些] all around the world.

Thanks for sharing!


I learn English cause I want to plant a tall date tree.😊



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还在想办法学英语?背单词?啃语法?nonono, it's time to use English 🙌 这是一个关于帮助,分享和成长的板块 在这里,英语只是你表达的工具,是你认识世界的最短路径,是你寻找更多机会的敲门砖。和我们一起大胆的先用起来,在 Github,在 Reddit,在 ProductHunt,我们乐意回答你在探索这个世界时遇到的任何关于语言和文化的困扰,并一起分享你的故事 ❤️ ✅ 在这里,你可以问任何关于英语的问题 (any levels!),可以分享你探索世界的故事,可以召集志同道合的小伙伴,无论任何话题、语言,只要能够给你,我,他/她带来帮助和成长,you're most welcomed 👏 ❌ 在这里,你不可以发表任何对个人、集体有攻击性、侮辱性的内容,不可以对他人的分享和提问进行嘲讽、否定,或者无意义的评论。 Peace and love, that's what we all need.

