Web3【hackton】Neo Frontier Blockchain Launchpad,总奖金106000美元


We have arrived at N3, the newest and most powerful version of the Neo blockchain development platform. With it comes native features such as decentralized storage, oracles, cross-chain functionality, and one block finality. N3 is unlike any blockchain you've used before.

Neo is calling on trailblazers who are up to the challenge of being among the first to build applications using N3. You will be among the first to use N3’s many new features and blockchain development tools. You will be among the first to provide essential services and capabilities on the new Neo N3 network.

And while N3 may be new, Neo has long been a pioneer within the public blockchain industry. The Neo Legacy MainNet has been live for over four years and currently has over 2.7 million wallet addresses. Neo has a vibrant community that is ready to migrate to N3 and explore all the applications this new version of Neo will enable.

The N3 MainNet will launch in Q3 of 2021, after which the mass migration from Neo Legacy will begin. Those who launch dApps on the Neo MainNet early will have the first mover advantage in terms of capturing user share in the Neo Smart Economy.

There are no restrictions on the type of project you can submit in the Neo Frontier Hackathon, as long as it uses Neo N3 technology. You may choose to explore DeFi solutions such as liquidity pools, AMMs, flash loans, or stablecoin protocols. Perhaps you’re interested in NFT technology in areas such as gaming, content licensing, or fractional ownership. Maybe your speciality lies in layer2 protocols, scalability, privacy, or DAO technologies.

It’s completely up to you. Whatever you dream up, we can’t wait to see it!

Competition details


  • Two phases: Planathon (optional) & Development
  • $100,000+ in prizes
  • 3 x major prizes of $12,000 each + prize multipliers
  • 8 x excellence awards of $5,000 each + prize multipliers
  • Incubation opportunities to the best teams
  • Vested NEO awards for teams that continue to build beyond the hackathon

Planathon - May 24th - June 7th

Thomas Edison once said “Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning.” At Neo, we agree, and so we’re kicking off the Neo Frontier Hackathon with a “Planathon.”

We want participants to take some time to really flesh out their Frontier projects. This includes evaluating the suitability of your ideas for blockchain, organising a team, drafting a business plan, identifying delivery milestones, and so forth. We understand that what you develop during Frontier may only be just the beginning of something fantastic.

The teams with the best plans will be granted “multipliers” that will be applied to any prizes won at the conclusion of the Development phase. For example, if your team wins a 1.5x multiplier and you win the first prize of $12,000, you will actually receive $18,000.

Not only does crafting a development plan put you way ahead of your competition, it also increases your opportunity to win great prizes!

Further, Neo is actively looking for fantastic projects to incubate following the launch of N3, so this is also a chance to put us on notice, and show that you mean business. Short written feedback will be provided to all submissions.

Participants are not required to compete in the Planathon to make a submission in the Development phase. However, teams that take part in the Planathon will also have the advantage of having their final submission judged against the background of their original plan. This may help judges evaluate the quality of your submission within the bigger picture of your project, and not just the features you were able to deliver within the competition time frame.

Finally, even if you do not win a multiplier in the Planathon, getting feedback on your ideas could be critical to adjusting your project concepts so you’re better positioned to win a final prize.

So what are you waiting for? Get planning!

Attention: Please make sure to submit your plan via Google form by June 7th.

Development - June 12th - July 12th

Submissions for the Development phase of the Neo Frontier Hackathon open one week after the results of the Planathon have been announced. This is when you put your skills to the test, and start building your project.

A range of quick starts, guides, sample applications, and tutorials will be available closer to the beginning of the Development phase to help you get started. If you haven’t already, please join the Neo Discord, where the Neo community (who is responsible for many of the tools you will be using) will be ready and waiting to provide support, advice, and encouragement.

$106,000 in prizes

The project that demonstrates the most outstanding use of Non-Fungible Token technology will win:

  • $12,000 in NEO tokens.
  • Entry into the Neo EcoBoost program for incubation support.
  • A custom vested NEO package through the Early Adopter program to reward post-hackathon development.

The project that demonstrates the most outstanding use of Decentralized Finance technology will win:

  • $12,000 in NEO tokens.
  • Entry into the Neo EcoBoost program for incubation support.
  • A custom vested NEO package through the Early Adopter program to reward post-hackathon development.

The project that demonstrates the best all-round use of Neo N3 technology will win:

  • $12,000 in NEO tokens.
  • Entry into the Neo EcoBoost program for incubation support.
  • A custom vested NEO package through the Early Adopter program to reward post-hackathon development.

Excellence prizes will be awarded to projects that have demonstrated excellent technical execution and will receive:

  • $5,000 in NEO tokens.
  • One hour consultation with NGD EcoGrowth to discuss your project and its goals.
  • A custom vested NEO package through the Early Adopter program to reward post-hackathon development.

You may build any type of project or application provided it uses Neo N3 blockchain technology. Submission requirements for the Planathon and Development phases are as follows:


An eligible Planathon submission must include the following information:

Project description

  • What will your project or application do?
  • Why will your project bring value to the Neo ecosystem?

Project architecture

  • Proposed use of the Neo blockchain and its features
  • Proposal technical architecture

Team information

  • How many members are in your team? (Single person teams are acceptable)
  • Do you have any relevant experience?


  • What are your short term deliverables for the hackathon?
  • What are your Medium to long term milestone goals post-hackathon?

User acquisition model

  • Who is your target audience?
  • How do you intend to generate users?
  • If your project is profit generating, what does your revenue model look like?

Please ensure you have first registered for the hackathon on DevPost before submitting your plan. You can submit your plan here.


An eligible Development submission must satisfy the following criteria and include the following information:

  • GitHub link with source code
  • Link to live demo
  • Smart contract deployed to the N3 TestNet (if applicable)
  • A link to a short video introducing your project and demonstrating its functionality (Max. 5 minutes)

All code must be open source and Apache 2.0.

  • Concept & Feasibility What is your project’s concept and how is it designed to succeed or differentiate itself in the market? What is your project’s value proposition? If your project is revenue generating, what is the proposed revenue model?
  • Project Design Does your project make good use of the Neo N3 blockchain and its features? Will your project architecture scale? Are interfaces well defined and thought through? How is your project designed to succeed?
  • Project Implementation Is the project well implemented? Is it clean and effective in its goal? What level of functionality has been delivered? As submitted, how easy to use is the project? How well does the submitted project align with the concept and design?




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