英语【英文练习帖7-图文讨论】Do you know what it means?


Well, happy holiday doesn't last forever. In this case, it could be a "Saturday scary" though.

Do you have and how do you think about this so-called "Sunday scaries"?
Try to use this word to express your idea or just make a simple sentence with it.

  • 这是社区的 [英文练习帖],欢迎大家借图片已有内容用不超过3句的英文来回答上面的问题。话不在多,精炼表达是更好的练习。
  • 优质的评论,会被版主“电一下”获得电量奖励;
  • 有问题的评论,也能得到社区特邀的英语老司机们的纠错和润色。这是很好的练习方式,走过路过,不要错过,哈哈
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A day at home
6:30am get up
6:40am prepare breakfast
7:00am dress the younger child
7:30am feed the younger baby
8:00am wash the dishes
8:20am clean the house
9:00am help the elder child with his homework
10:30am prepare lunch
12:00am wash the dishes
1:00pm take the kids to the park
4:00pm prepare dinner
6:00pm help the elder kid with his homework
8:00pm wash the younger child
9:00pm feed the younger child
9:30pm put the younger child to sleep
10:00pm the kids are all asleep, finally I can have a rest

Sunday scaries? I am looking forward to the working days to save me out of these dreadful housework.

You're really bustled around handling household chores and taking care of your family during the holiday... Hope you have more time for yourself when your children grow up ;)


I have to admit that I suffer from Sunday scary sometimes. The main reason, as I see it, is my job is not always fun.
I need to do some trivial tasks like writing documents, attending unwanted meetings, and this will not give me a sense of accomplishment.
At times, the deadline is coming or the assigned tasks are too hard for me to accomplish, I feel too much stress and can't sleep well at night.
Now and then I comforted myself that I was well paid in my company and therefore I had to endure the dark sides of the job.

I'm impressed by your work ;)

At times, the deadline is coming or the assigned tasks are too hard for me to accomplish, [need to add "and/other conjunctions" or split it into two complete sentences]I feel too much stress and can't sleep well at night.

Only one tiny miss here.


Previous months the COVID-19 make my work so busy and I even didn't have my weekend for break. 'Sunday scaries' in my view is that I know today is sunday but I have to work, that's the real scaries. Another scaries is, when I job-hopping, I was sentence to have a disease in my lung after the job medical examination. Now I am processing an improve plan for better career. Of course, learning English is one part of my plan.Thanks eleduck.

Previous months the COVID-19 make[s] my work so busy and I even didn't have my weekend for [a/the] break. 'Sunday scaries' in my view is that I know today is sunday[星期几要大写噢] but I have to work, that's the real scaries[单数就好].
Another scaries[单数就好] is, when I job-hopping[这个是名词,试着把它变成动词?], I was sentence [特别注意"sentence"的用法噢,be sentenced 特指判刑:P应该不是这个语境对吧]to have a disease in my lung after the job medical [可以改成physical] examination.
Now I am processing an [我猜你是想打"and"?] improve plan ["process"可以指处理信息或数据,但是不太和"plan"连用] for better [a better]career. Of course, learning English is one part of my plan.[注意标点符号后面带空格]Thanks eleduck.



This phrase reminds me of my studenthood. At that time, every Sunday night I had a lot of homework to catch up because I used to postpone my school task. It was not only "Sunday scaries" but "Sunday nightmare". Time passed and I was graduated, then became a junior at work, later a senior, and now, a freelancer. I could manage my time better and feel "Sunday scaries" less and less. So I think it depends on your age and work habit. I hope we all could get the lever to fell "Sunday peace" instead of "Sunday scaries".

Really nice narrative way of writing and your use of tense makes the storytelling more vivid. Thank you for the sharing ;))

It was not only "Sunday scaries" but "Sunday nightmare".


Time passed and I was graduated, then became a junior 【employee】at work, later a senior, and now, a freelancer.

Well done!