I think this series of topics is very interesting, but it dost not always reflect the reality of the situation. It depends on whether you are an amateur or a professional, your related work experience, and many other things. You can't always anticipate the company is evil and put it on your opposition side.
You can't always anticipate the company is evil [synonyms of anticipate: hope, expect, await--seems strange when using with "evil"] and put it on your opposition [opposite] side.
To my mind, every company will give us opportunities to grow. When changing jobs, the only thing to be sure about is whether the salary we get matches the ability we have.
Every coin has two sides. I think this is more acceptable for newbies. Newbies need to grow rapidly, even if the salary is low. While, veterans have more things to consider. They are in middle age, start to feel pressure from family. What's more, with rich experience, they needed to be paid more.
While, veterans have more things to consider.
You use "while" at the beginning of a clause to introduce information that contrasts with information in the main clause.
They are in middle age, start to feel pressure from family.
start to feel pressure[+d这里是形容词] from family
Every coin has two sides. I think this is more acceptable for newbies. Newbies need to grow rapidly even if the salary is low, While veterans have more things to consider. In their middle ages, they start to feel pressured from family. What's more, with rich experience, they needed to be paid more.
Several years ago, I just graduated from university. At that time, I was young and had not much social experience. When I was applying a job and was told the job with opportunities for growth, I believed it and had a good vision for the future. Then I accepted the job with poor salary and I worked very hard. But with increasing age and rich experience, I consider the salary more.
When I was applying [+for] a job and was told the job with opportunities for growth [growth opportunities就好]
But with [an] increasing age and rich[+er从语义上更好] experience, I consider the salary [to be]more[important].
或者可以说"I prioritize salary when considering an offer",注意"consider"的用法很容易出错,可以查查字典。
还在想办法学英语?背单词?啃语法?nonono, it's time to use English 🙌 这是一个关于帮助,分享和成长的板块 在这里,英语只是你表达的工具,是你认识世界的最短路径,是你寻找更多机会的敲门砖。和我们一起大胆的先用起来,在 Github,在 Reddit,在 ProductHunt,我们乐意回答你在探索这个世界时遇到的任何关于语言和文化的困扰,并一起分享你的故事 ❤️ ✅ 在这里,你可以问任何关于英语的问题 (any levels!),可以分享你探索世界的故事,可以召集志同道合的小伙伴,无论任何话题、语言,只要能够给你,我,他/她带来帮助和成长,you're most welcomed 👏 ❌ 在这里,你不可以发表任何对个人、集体有攻击性、侮辱性的内容,不可以对他人的分享和提问进行嘲讽、否定,或者无意义的评论。 Peace and love, that's what we all need.
I think this series of topics is very interesting, but it dost not always reflect the reality of the situation. It depends on whether you are an amateur or a professional, your related work experience, and many other things. You can't always anticipate the company is evil and put it on your opposition side.
Well said ;)
You can't always anticipate the company is evil [synonyms of anticipate: hope, expect, await--seems strange when using with "evil"] and put it on your opposition [opposite] side.
To my mind, every company will give us opportunities to grow. When changing jobs, the only thing to be sure about is whether the salary we get matches the ability we have.
Looks perfect!
Every coin has two sides. I think this is more acceptable for newbies. Newbies need to grow rapidly, even if the salary is low. While, veterans have more things to consider. They are in middle age, start to feel pressure from family. What's more, with rich experience, they needed to be paid more.
While, veterans have more things to consider.

You use "while" at the beginning of a clause to introduce information that contrasts with information in the main clause.
They are in middle age, start to feel pressure from family.
start to feel pressure[+d这里是形容词] from family
Every coin has two sides. I think this is more acceptable for newbies. Newbies need to grow rapidly even if the salary is low, While veterans have more things to consider. In their middle ages, they start to feel pressured from family. What's more, with rich experience, they needed to be paid more.
Several years ago, I just graduated from university. At that time, I was young and had not much social experience. When I was applying a job and was told the job with opportunities for growth, I believed it and had a good vision for the future. Then I accepted the job with poor salary and I worked very hard. But with increasing age and rich experience, I consider the salary more.
me too
When I was applying [+for] a job and was told the job with opportunities for growth [growth opportunities就好]
But with [an] increasing age and rich[+er从语义上更好] experience, I consider the salary [to be]more[important].
或者可以说"I prioritize salary when considering an offer",注意"consider"的用法很容易出错,可以查查字典。