英语Recommending Forvo.com and Youglish.com


I want to recommend two websites which help us improve English.

  1. Forvo: the pronunciation dictionary. All the words in the world pronounced by native speakers

  2. Improve your English pronunciation using YouTube

These two websites are both about English pronunciation.

Let's first introduce https://www.forvo.com. On Forvo, you can search a word or a phrase to get its pronounce via sound clips by different native speakers all over the world. This website was founded in 2008 by Israel Rondón and Félix Vela from Spain. Today it is the largest pronunciation guide in the world.

Then Youglish(https://www.youglish.com). Youglish also provides a word's pronunciation, but the search results are via YouTube videos rather than sound clips. Besides that, Youglish also shows the subsite of the video and you can adjust the video speed to hear more clearly.

I prefer to use Youglish these days. I don't mean that Forvo is not good. They are both helpful in learning English pronunciation, but apparently videos are more attractive than sounds. On Youglish, it will return lots of videos related to the word you search, most of them are high quality and worth watching. On the bad side, sometimes Youglish is a time killer. You open its website to search a word for pronunciation, then you see an interesting video...... Time elapse quickly, damn, It's time for lunch.

One more thing, Forvo and Youglish are both not only support English but also other languages. Forvo supports 390 languages (amazing!) and YouGish now supports Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Sign Languages. If you happen to be one of those language learners, please enjoy them.



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