大家好,我的名字叫DAVIS我是80后的, 我移民美国15年了,本来是读艺术的,后来改读理科。大前间一直在自学PYTHON, JAVASCRIPT, 和 HTML, CSS等,同时热爱数学和物理化学等科目。大学毕业后去了读CS硕士。毕业后运气好,第一份工作在美国的COMCAST公司做全栈,主要是做对内的网络管理软件平台,前端用的是JAVASCRIPT, REACT, GRAPHQL APOLLO CLIENT,REDUX 等,后端主要用NODEJS,和GOLANG还有GRAPHQL, DATABASE包括MONGODB和POSTGRESQL. 在哪里工作了1年5个月就跳到加一家上市公司FINANCE OF AMERICA当全栈软件工程师,主要开发借贷和房贷类平台,由于运气好加上左右逢源,用了8个月被提拔为资深软件工程师。期间深入接触到AWS LAMBDA, STEP FUNCTION, TERRAFORM, ANCIBLE, MICROSOFT AZURE DEVEOP,SERVERLESS, 还有NEXTJS等前端开发经验。直到今年2月加入了美国的著名车贷公司ALLY,当资深平台工程师(PLATFORM ENGINEER)加上DEVOP。主要是用SERVERLESS,DOCKER, TERRAFORM,NODEJS, PYTHON还有AWS APPSYNC,API GATEWAY,LAMBDA,STEP FUNCTION等搭建他们新的信用卡项目API。 我同时在HACKER USA的软件开发集训营担任主教,学生都来自本土各个合作的美国大学。
Hi my dear dev friends, my name is Davis, I am from NYC, USA. I came to the US 15 years ago and I started as an Art student during college, but quickly changed to Sciences after 2 semesters. I since developed great passion for subjects, such as Chemistry, Physics and Math and Sciences in general and I self taught myself how to code. I picked languages such as Python and Javascript, and later Golang. After getting my BS, I went on to pursue a master in CS and was luck enough to land my first Job after at Comcast, I worked there as a Full Stack Dev for about a year and 5 months. Our team worked on the company's internal cloud applications which oversee the entire cable modem network in the US and I mainly used React, Redux, GraphQL Apollo, and Material UI for front end and NodeJs, Golang, GraphQL, MongoDb and PostgreSQL for backend.
After Comcast, I shifted to another company called Finance of America, which is a mortgage company. My title was software engineer and I mainly used the same tool set to help them build out their lending applications, as well as a home share project. I was lucky that I was promoted as senior after 8 months working there. I picked a lot of cloud and devOp technologies during my time there, such as Docker, AWS Lambda, step function, EC2, ECS, Fargate and Azure DevOp, the Serverless library and SAM CLI. I also got to learn about Terraform as well. Early this year, I shifted to a new company called Ally, which is a fortune 500. Their main business is auto lending. I work as platform engineer (also devOp) in my team now, we mainly use Javascript, Python, NodeJS, AWS AppSync, Terraform, Serverless, Docker and Api Gateway to develop our new credit card product line.
I have always loved to meet new people and learn new things. I learned about Eleduck a few weeks ago and thought that it could be a great place to network with like minded dev friends here, also I get to practice my Chinese.
I am very familiar with the remote culture and also remote job applications oversea, especially in the US, and I have lot of resources and relationships that I am happy to share you, Also, I hope to get to know you!
Definitely! feel free to chat about anything.
how to add you wechat?
you can email me
What's your email address?
It's not allowed to put my email here, but you can use your electric to unlock it.
由于运气好加上左右逢缘 😂
哈哈,修改了,谢谢。 需要好好学中文。
在电鸭上发微信是违反规定的,所以不方便发。 我们可以这里聊。 (石榴镜子)
not call add you
Is there any internship available?
definitely. depends on how well you can code and talk in English, and also your location.
Great! I will improve my English.how can I connect you?
wish you share more remote jobs ,我们一起赚小钱钱
there are plenty of opportunities, if your English is good.
Learn english, Learn english . Come on ! Come on !
we can host an English project working session, maybe something on setting up some aws infrastructure. That can practice your English as well as learning something together.
拉个群 一起分享一下 如果有好的机会
交了个朋友 兄弟
大佬可以给出个road map吗 或者你的讲堂有也可。
无业游民一枚 想努力习得行业青睐技能 成就梦想(国内-35岁危机-达摩克利斯之剑)
will try!
Hi Davis, hope this comment finds you well.
This is Ryan and I used to study abroad(AU) that I can handle the communication part while participating remote work. I am good at using react and relative lib and enjoy that functional programming paradigm. I always wanna explore more about what a coder can do( 学习 &卷起来) and deliver certain value. Hope we can all find joy and make money here:)
What a diligent man you are 🤣
Would you mind elaborate about the “opportunity” part
hey, welcome! hope to chat with you more about tech &.career.