


欧洲铁路公司(Rail Europe)是全球第一大欧洲火车票经销商,总部位于法国巴黎,为全 球 70 个国家超过 20,000 名旅游专业人士提供业务和技术合作,并且为旅行者提供可在 30 个国家使用的火车票预订网站和 App。 我们提供最广泛的火车旅行选择,包含 25,000 个目的地,11,000 条不同的路线。我们的产 品覆盖整个欧洲运营商,如法国国营铁路, 瑞士国营铁路,欧洲之星,大力士,意大利国营 铁路, 德国国营铁路,英国铁路或西班牙国营铁路,以及多样的铁路通票。 在全球旅游业复苏的背景下,公司整体业务正在经历疫情后的大幅增长,为迎接增长带来的 新的机遇和挑战,我们正在扩张我们的技术团队,在技术和流程上有效支持业务的发展。


我们正在寻找一位经验丰富的 Ruby 工程师加入我们的开发团队,帮助我们维护和改进我们的B2C 网站


  1. 统招本科以上学历,计算机相关专业,4 年及以上开发经验
  2. 熟练掌握 Ruby 以及 Ruby on Rails
  3. 熟悉 DevOps 技术,比如 Docker, AWS 以及 TravisCI
  4. 良好的英语沟通能力,热衷于和技术与非技术团队成员分享学习经验
  5. 熟悉跨国际团队协作及国际公司跨文化交流
  6. 办公时间灵活,有远程办公的工作经验


  1. 具备发现和理解根本问题的能力,能够提出新的和改进的解决方案
  2. 保持代码整洁且易于维护,坚持测试、代码检查、代码评审等最佳实践
  3. 在开发前考虑未来系统的可维护性、可持续性和拓展性
  4. 对自我提升和成长有强烈的欲望,在需要帮助时积极寻求团队帮助
  5. 热衷于解决复杂问题,也愿意参与一些常规的日常任务
  6. 愿意和团队一同参与 On call 值班表,以应对非工作时间的技术紧急情况
  7. 对欧洲铁路网络有兴趣


  1. 我们有很高的编码标准,并遵循最佳实践,如持续测试和交付。
  2. 我们的团队热衷于在互助的环境中一起学习和改进。
  3. 我们的工作中不会充斥着会议和干扰。
  4. 我们鼓励每个人提出问题,创造性地思考,并提出新的工作方法,我们是一个年轻的小 团队,所以你的声音会被听到。
  5. 我们的团队享受工作与生活的平衡,不认为咖啡因驱动的通宵工作是让公司持续发展的 好方法。
  6. 每个月我们都会有一次“黑客日”,这一天我们会提高自己的技能,做一些对我们的产品 或团队有益的事情,尝试不同的技术。


  1. 工作时间:周末双休,节假日正常休息,无 996
  2. 薪资标准:面谈
  3. 团队国际化,多元文化,人性化
  4. 其他福利:五险一金、带薪年假


中国上海市静安区富民路 83 号巨富大厦巨富商务中心 3 层 315 室欧洲铁路公司办公室



About us

Rail Europe is looking for an experienced Ruby engineer to join our existing team, where you'll help us maintain and improve our existing software and support effectively our global website ( This position is based in Shanghai, China

Job Description

• Our software stack consists of a pure-Ruby backend library.
• We’re integrated with multiple rail operator booking systems.
• Because Rail Europe is the merchant of record for all transactions, we are also responsible for fraud prevention, and handling currency and other finance-related issues.
• We are experiencing a large post-Covid increase in business, so some of the challenges we are facing relate to scaling our existing code and processes.

Your Essential Skills & Experience

• Have 4+ years of professional programming experience
• Have a passion for remote work, and significant remote work experience
• Have a deep knowledge and experience of Ruby & Ruby on Rails
• Can work hours that have some overlap with European daytime
• Are fluent in English and confident communicating and sharing complex information and learnings with both technical and non-technical team members
• Have a good working knowledge of modern devops technologies such as Docker, AWS and TravisCI

Our ideal candidate meets many - but not necessarily all - of the below criteria.
• Strives to discover and understand the root cause of problems, suggesting new and improved solutions, rather than treating the symptoms
• Takes pride in its craft and adhere to industry best practices for testing, code linting, peer review, and clean modular maintainable code
• Actively considers future maintainability when deciding how to implement something
• Has a keen appetite for self-improvement and growth, but doesn't hesitate to ask for help when needed
• Enjoys getting their teeth stuck into complicated problems, as well as being willing to pitch in on some of the more routine tasks which inevitably arise
• Is willing to participate in an on-call rota to cover technical emergencies out of hours
• Has an interest in and knowledge of the European rail network

Join our team!

• We have high coding standards and follow best practices such as continuous testing and delivery.
• We strive to learn and improve together in a supportive environment as the wider tech ecosystem evolves.
• Our days are not full of meetings and distractions. Allowing others to achieve flow is a big part of supporting each other.
• Everyone is encouraged to ask questions, think creatively and suggest new working practices. We have a small team so your voice will be heard.
• Our team enjoys a healthy work-life balance and don’t think caffeinefuelled all-nighters are a good way to grow a company that’s built to last.
• Besides employees who are based in France, we are a team of fully remote workers.
• Once a month, we have our hack day, a day to improve our skills, work on side projects that could benefit our product or our team, experiment different technologies

How to apply

Email and tell us about your skills and experience, plus include links to any relevant public repositories.
Our aim is to make the hiring process as fair and simple as possibl

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