pc 个人作品网站:sohigh.cc 技术栈 react18 密码 私聊领取
mobile 参与公司开源组件库建设 技术栈 vue2 http://hips-vue-ui.open-front.hand-china.com/#/zh-CN/tabs
shopify wordpress 主题或者二次开发也可
本 4 魔都中厂离职人员 现在逐渐在从前端往全栈方向转移 之前从事是低代码搭建和运营页面相关内容 这个相关领域除了头部的几个其他基本都烂了 难对口 想寻求一份远程全职或者兼职的前端工作 期望内容是 shopify||WordPress||vue||react 的开发。。个人也期望海外的远程工作但是英语口语只是敢开口说的水准,读写还行。
About Me:
I am a former employee from a factory in Shanghai, China, and I am gradually transitioning from frontend to full-stack development. I am seeking a remote full-time frontend job, preferably focusing on Shopify, WordPress, Vue, or React development, and I am also open to part-time opportunities. Previously, I have been involved in low-code platforms and operational web pages, covering various frontend scenarios. If there are any employers in need, feel free to contact me. Additionally, I am interested in remote work opportunities overseas, but my spoken English is at a basic conversational level, though I am more proficient in reading and writing