露脸交友区payload -- The most powerful typescript based headless CMS for developers


Hi, everyone. Today I will introduce a new CMS which has stars 6.6K on github. It has several features as follows:

  1. 100% typescript and opensource licensed by MIT.
  2. Full control over your express app. Payload is based on express and is isolated from it by router. so you can maintain your own functionality outside of Payload.
  3. Extremely powerful access control in document and field level. Payload works with mongoDB, you can easily implement your own RBCA or any control access pattern.
  4. Hooks for document and field level. you can do such as sanitize incoming data, custonm output, integrate with third-part platform(with api key)
  5. Support plugins, you can make your own plugins ans share with the community.
  6. Providing a admin panel, you can control show/hide features by condistional logic, even you can add custom functionalities to it.
  7. Support REST/graphql api, draft/publication,
    Generally speaking, In payload, the basic concepts of entities is: 1. document(or collection) 2. field.
    Every entity has its own config, the config contains several functionalities:
  8. access control: who can do what operations for which data
  9. admin: how to display data in admin panel, you can even custom the UI/functionalities in admin panel
  10. hooks: do what you need before or after the operations of create/read/update/delete/access etc.
  11. other features based on the type of field or add features to collections (such as versions and authentications)
    There are many other functionalities I haven't touched. It is truely the most powerful headless CMS I have ever seen I think. If you have interest in it, here is the official website: https://payloadcms.com/.
    Wishing you have a good trip :)