招聘&找人【海外远程】ACE | UX/UI designer - Test & Token Generation Interface | REMOTE


We are looking for a UX and UI designer to help develop a simple 25 question online assessment that is mobile friendly, has shopping cart functionality, and uses a token management system.

Looking to have the design completed by the first week of September.

Summary of the project:

Development of Network Intelligence (NQ) Assessment & Token Management System


In partnership with Desiree and Alonto Mangandog, Trey Stinnett (ACE CEO) is developing a training program to empower network marketers to advance rank by leveraging their natural genius and following the proven system entrepreneurial mastery.

The Network Intelligence system is based on 2 primary indicators of success - 1) playing to your strengths and 2) playing at your level. There are four (4) primary personality profiles (strengths) and four (4) levels of success within the system.

In addition to writing & publishing the Network Intelligence book (Dec 1), hosting masterclasses (Oct 6 & 7), and adding a Network Marketers Camp to the ACE Members Club, ACE will develop an NQ assessment that identifies the user’s type and level in the business.

The test will contain 20-30 multiple choice questions (4 possible answers per question). Each question will contribute a vote towards their two answers: their “Network Element” and their “Network Level.”

Network Element:
•Wood •Fire •Earth •Metal
Network Level:
•Red •Orange •Yellow •Green

The test will be a webapp (web hosted, mobile-friendly design, fast results). Results will be displayed on the screen with a link to download a PDF report.  Results and report will also be sent to the user’s email and amended to their profile in the ACE CRM.

How the Token System Will Work

After reading the landing page and choosing to take the test, the user is prompted to purchase tokens (1, 3, 5, or 10 at a time). Purchase requires registration. Upon completion of the purchase, the token(s) are added to their account for future use. They receive a “want to take the NQ test now?” prompt that they can follow to immediately use one of the purchased tokens and begin their assessment.

If the user already has an unused token (purchased or gifted), they can enter the token to take the test. Their results will always be available by logging into their account. If they were given their token by another user, the gifting user can also view their report in their account.

Token Portability & Management

By logging into their profile, users can not only see all of their used tokens, test taker names, results, and reports, but they can group the used tokens into “teams.”

They can also add team members who purchased their own tokens or were gifted by a different user by simply entering their test token. (the user whose info they enter will be notified via email)

Transaction Processing

Purchases made on the NQ web app will be processed using STRIPE (also generates receipt). Paid invoice will be generated via Zapier in Quickbooks. An email will be sent to the user as well containing a link to access the token(s) on their account and a video with instructions.

Deliverable Dates

The final version of the assessment must be functional by September 30.

UX Design: August 31
UI Design: September 7
Beta: September 18
Final: September 30

Example to Reference

For functionality, the selected UX designer and Programmer will be given login credentials to The UI should look nothing like this, but their functionality is almost 100% the same as described here. (primary functionality upgrade is ability to import team members)

If you would like to apply for this gig, please apply via email.

需消耗电量 5


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