Luca+ 澳大利亚金融科技领域公司,我们曾获得阿里巴巴,安永和其他主要合作伙伴的多个奖项。 主要业务为会计与电子发票相关平台与服务,首批通过PEPPOL(欧盟在线采购标准)与ATO(澳洲税务局)标准认证的电子发票务服务提供商。 公司正在进入快速发展期,诚招以下人才:
- .NET Core microservices 的各项相关开发与平台整合
- 高质量把控相关开发工作的进度管理
- 2年或以上.NET Core实战开发经验,全职远程工作(可在国内),工作时段灵活可商议
- 英文(主)沟通与看技术文档,中文(辅)
- 利用Slack,Zoom,Google Meet等远程团队协作软件
- 根据经验每小时70人民币起步(全职或每周40小时等效时长)
- 优厚员工激励股权政策
- 达到工作年资要求,公司可担保技术人才签证
有意向请发送简历到 或者联系微信号 kellsonmar
Skills Required 技术要求
- Extensive experience working in Linux based .NET Core apps.
- Experience with ingesting an API, converting it into an OpenAPI spec compliant payload and sending it to other services.
- JWT, S2S and other auth implementation experience
- Experience working in service contexts & what it means in terms of token claims.
- Experience packaging the solution in docker containers, using docker-compose etc.
- Memcached (or Redis or in-memory cache) experience.
- Extensive experience in MongoDB, Mongoose and querying data in Document based DBs
- Experience working with nginx
- Experience in Software Testing frameworks and creating tests
- TypeScript, Html, ES6 and modern JavaScript conventions knowledge.
- Knowledge of queuing, threading, and thread-safe structures
Nice to Have 加分项目
- Knowledge of micro services in Node.Js.
- Experience of other Linux / mac-based development (e.g. python, ruby, typescript etc.)
- Knowledge of blockchains & development (e.g. solidity, C++ etc.)
- Experience working with external APIs for integrations.