


Project #3: Oscillations (Mar. 23)
Opened: Thursday, 9 March 2023, 12:00 AM
Due: Thursday, 23 March 2023, 11:59 PM
In the spirit of Oskar Fischinger and Norman McLaren, create an Optical Poem. Set the visual poem to a song of your choice (about 2-3 minutes in length - you can edit the song). The piece you create will be an integrated sound and 3D graphic-based visuals piece where the visuals respond to and complement the music.  Incorporate the sound
analysis techniques shown including using peakamp~ and filtering to isolate aspects of the sound. Use a hybrid of predetermined animation elements and real-time audio triggered or responsive events as means for creativity and expression. Your piece should acknowledge changes
in or different sections of the song (e.g. verse, chorus) with corresponding scene changes. Visuals will have their parameters modulated by oscillators (such as cycle~ and phasor~), and the line object. 3D environments should utilize lighting, materials, and perhaps camera movement.

Recommended strategy for doing the assignment:

on paper:
analyze the song : : look for similarities in the components  of the song

what repeats? what changes?
develop visual gestures for each component of the song

think about how realtime audio
can interact with and influence the behaviour of the gestures

plan and create the sequence

Please note that this project is not interactive.

What to submit:

a video of the output the Max patch (visual and sound)

one page documentation as a PDF including:
the title of your piece
a description of the structure of your composition including how the visuals and sound relate
information about the sound/music used (composer/band/title etc.)
a Max project file

需消耗电量 5