


关于我 👨‍💻

我是一个林林总总,做过前端也做过后端的,五年经验的开发。后期的工作基本是一个全栈的角色吧。目前每天的状态就是自己在家做点东西或者健身房训练。已经快半年了吧,中间用过 Upwork 但总体上觉得这平台剥削得有点厉害就没有很用心经营,现在还是期待可以找到点新的机会!


  1. 我没有一个非常好的学历,所以您如果有学历要求那也无所谓,有缘再见了您叻!

  2. 由于点 1. 我也没有大厂经历,不以为荣,不以为耻,不好意思了!

  3. 没有第 3 点

我的技术栈/能力 💪

1. HTML5 + CSS3 + JS 前端三件套:

这几项会做前端开发的人应该都会吧,虽然但是,我还是提一提。我还挺喜欢使用 CSS3 去实现动画之类的需求的。

2. JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Python:

我用 JavaScript 编写前端的内容,远古时期用 jQuery 及相关类库;现在主要使用 React 技术栈相关类库,但 Vue.js 及微信小程序等也都做过项目。也自己折腾过同构服务器端渲染等等。上一份工作是做的 Node.js 开发,所以写了比较多的 NestJS 框架相关的内容,其他像 Koa, Express 之类的框架也都用过。

我以前用 Python 配合 Django, Flask 写后端程序,后来自己玩基金时也用 Pandas 写过一点点东西。但现在用得很少了。

3. React, SVG & WebGL:

我是一个喜欢 React 的开发者。无论是写 Restful 方案的 Redux + Saga 的方式,还是写 GraphQL 方案的 Apollo 全家桶,我都觉得写起来很好用,数据管理到渲染一条龙可以做到非常优雅。

我也做过一点点基于 SVG 渲染内容的工作,也做过 Three.js 的小项目,觉得可以提一嘴。

4. Git, Vim & Tools

我以前有段时间是在 Server 上开发的,所以对 Linux Server 命令行下作业基本可以算熟悉,所以这些命令行下的工具类我都可以用得得心应手。

5. Docker, Kubernetes, Nginx:

我 Docker, Docker Compose 用得非常多,涵盖了我所有的开发到部署的流程。包括我自己的服务器的所有服务也都是如此,我也非常乐意将它应用在我的工作中。Kubernetes 我算有些接触,项目不多,但总体上没有特别熟悉,也还在学习中。

我喜欢用 Nginx 来处理我的反向代理服务,也算是熟悉吧,但不是专家。

我的长板 😁

  1. 我可以长时间的非常专注于某件事,中徒打断也没事的那种;
  2. 我接受能力比较强,能较快地学习一项新的东西;
  3. 我没有任何意义上的价值观短板,对于任何类型的不同行动或者文化差异我都能非常好地理解及接受;

我的短板 🤨

  1. 作为一个开发者,我虽然用过像 MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB 等等很多不同的数据库,但我对于数据库的理解还不够好,所以我也一般避免做一些数据库强交互的工作。比如说海量数据的调优之类的。
  2. 我一般认为我只做 JavaScript 周边的开发,所以任何有可能涉及 Php, Java 之类的内容我都做不来。

技术以外的能力 🎨



再次是其他综合能力,其实我也做视频、做音乐、做摄影,需要设计其实 Adobe 全家桶,Sketch 之类的也会用,所以我可能可以在更多方面给出我的建议,当然如果您没有这方面的需要我也不会瞎说的。



An Experienced Full Stack Developer Is Currently Cocooning at Home, May I Have Your Acquaintance?

Hello! Thanks for clicking on this post. 😆

About Me: 👨‍💻

I am, overall speaking, a developer who has been in both front-end and back-end development for around five years. The later stage was a full-stack developer, so to speak. My daily activities are mostly just cooking at home or working out at the gym. It's been in this way for about half a year now. I have used Upwork for a short period, and then I realized this platform is, in fact, ripping you off quite a lot, so I quit managing it. Now I am looking forward to seeking some new opportunities!

Before you continue on this thread, here are three things you would need to know beforehand:

  1. I don't have a fancy diploma, so if you have any criteria for this, I shall wish you the best and see you goodbye for good.
  2. As a consequence of point #1, Neither do I have any experience working in any behemoths you can ever think of in the industry. No pride, no shame. If that's something that matters to you. Then, it's just I am not the one you are looking for. Sorry for that.
  3. There is no #3.

My Tech Stacks/Abilities: 💪

  1. HTML5 + CSS3 + JS, The frontend trio.
    I believe any developers who participated in the frontend area would have the skill to do these. But nonetheless, I'll still put it here for now. In fact, I find myself sort of enjoying implementing animations using CSS3.

  2. JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Python:
    I use JavaScript for composing frontend pages. With the help of jQuery and its related libraries back in the day. And now, I mostly use React stack and its libraries for the same purpose. I also have experience in some projects with other popular frameworks like Vue.js and WeChat mini-programs. And I have some practice in things like isomorphic server-side rendering, etc. My last job was Node.js development. Therefore, I did a lot of work with the Nest.js framework. And I have used other popular frameworks like Koa, Express, too.
    I used to write backend programs with Python and frameworks like Django and Flask. Later, when I was interested in fund investment, I tried Pandas for my analysis. But I don't do much of these nowadays.

  3. React, SVG & WebGL:
    I am a React lover. It doesn't matter if I was working with a RESTful solution using the combination of Redux + Saga or having a GraphQL design using Apollo libraries. I find things work seamlessly and cohesively. You can finish it from data management to content rendering, all in a pretty elegant way.
    And I also have a bit of experience with SVG-based rendering and some small projects with three.js thought I should've mentioned.

  4. Git, Vim & Tools:
    I spent some time doing server-side development in the past. So I reckon I am somewhat familiar with the whole Linux server command line work. And all along with the tool sets in that case.

  5. Docker, Kubernetes, Nginx:
    I have a lot of Docker and Docker Compose use cases. It covers pretty much all my working flow from development to deployment. Including all the services I have on my own servers. And I'd love to apply them to my work, too. As for Kubernetes, I did use it for a short period, but not for many projects. I am not so familiar with it and still learning it.
    I like having Nginx handle my reversed proxy service. I would consider I am familiar with it, but not an expert for sure.

My Strengths: 😁

  1. I can stay focused on something for a long time, even if I've got disrupted in the middle.
  2. My ability to adapt to new things is relatively strong. This means I can learn something new on the fly much quicker.
  3. I reckon I don't possess any sort of value shortcoming. I would be able to understand and embrace any kinds of actions acted out for different purposes or cultural variations.

My Weaknesses: 🤨

  1. As a developer stands, even though I have used many databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis and MongoDB, etc. My understanding of the database is not good enough. Therefore, I usually avoid interacting with the database directly, e.g. tuning the database in a large amount of data scenario.
  2. I reckon I'll only do pan-JavsScript developments, so I won't be able to help with anything other than that.

More Than the Technology: 🎨

Firstly, language. I had more than two years of experience working in an English environment. So I can also help with anything that needs English skills.
Secondly, I am based in Guangzhou. I can communicate in Cantonese as well.
Lastly, versatility. I do video editing, music productions, and photography. And if necessary, I'll ever need to perform some design work. I can just pick up the Adobe kit or Sketch in no time. Hence, I may offer my advice in many more aspects, and of course, if there's no such need, I shall keep my month shut as I always would.

And to the very end. Thanks so much for your appreciation for reading all the way here. If there's anything you would like to talk about, please leave a comment below. I will definitely reply to you once I see it. And also hoping to meet the right man or opportunity here and work together to achieve more! 🙌🙌


可以试试Upwork. 我也是广州人,五年前进了Upwork的坑,现在基本上工作时间自由了(时薪250美金)。我觉得你的技术栈,一年半内能做到60美金一小时以上,问题不大。我在电鸭办了一个upwork体验课,如果对灵活的工作时间感兴趣的话可以来听听。

时薪 250 刀的大佬~ 膜拜膜拜

我之前在 Upwork 上的体验给我的感觉就是好多客户都预算不咋的。。而且一个项目有一堆人在竞标,感觉价格提得高了又显得很没优势。

另外每一个竞标都要花 Connect 就很伤,标不到又没得要回来。。好多工作一标就 6 个 Connect. 感觉如果靠每月的固定发的量完全不够用。我标了几个全打水漂了🤣

我们过去几年基本上没有用connects接活 哈哈哈哈













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