Web3【Hackton】HackOnLisk: 用基于JavaScript构建的Lisk SDK建立你自己的区块链应用, DeFi, DAOs, Oracles等,总奖金33000美金


Welcome to HackOnLisk, the first online hackathon for the Lisk ecosystem. To celebrate the upcoming Mainnet launch of Lisk Core 3.0.0, the Lisk Foundation is thrilled to invite you to Lisk’s first online hackathon.

Lisk is an open-source blockchain application platform and was founded by Max Kordek and Oliver Beddows in 2016. With a goal of making blockchain technology accessible for everyone, Lisk's software development kit (SDK) allows developers to build blockchain applications in JavaScript, the world's most widely used programming language.

Build a blockchain application with the Lisk SDK 5.1.0 using JavaScript. We expect blockchain applications from diverse industries and fields such as:

  • Lending

  • Stablecoins

  • NFT marketplaces

  • Collectibles

  • Prediction markets

  • Social media networks

  • DAOs

  • Oracles However, feel free to get creative and build your own blockchain application.

$33,000 in prizes

First Place

  • $10,000 (paid in LSK tokens)
  • Lisk swag
  • Preferential selection to join the Lisk Grant Program
  • Opportunity to promote their project further (Lisk blog, Lisk official YouTube channel, Lisk official social media channels)
  • 1:1 technical support (1h)

Second Place

  • $8,000 (paid in LSK tokens)
  • Lisk swag
  • Preferential selection to join the Lisk Grant Program
  • Opportunity to promote their project further (Lisk blog, Lisk official YouTube channel, Lisk official social media channels)
  • 1:1 technical support (1h)

Third Place

  • $5,000 (paid in LSK tokens)
  • Lisk swag
  • Preferential selection to join the Lisk Grant Program
  • Opportunity to promote their project further (Lisk blog, Lisk official YouTube channel, Lisk official social media channels)
  • 1:1 technical support (1h)

Bonus Prize - Lisk Community Choice Award

  • $3,000 (paid in LSK tokens)
  • Lisk swag
  • Preferential selection to join the Lisk Grant Program
  • Opportunity to promote their project further (Lisk blog, Lisk official YouTube channel, Lisk official social media channel)

Bonus Prize - WeAreDevelopers

  • $4,000 (paid in LSK tokens)
  • Lisk swag
  • WeAreDevelopers swag
  • Preferential selection to join the Lisk Grant Program
  • Opportunity to promote their project further (Lisk blog, Lisk official YouTube channel, Lisk official social media channels)

Bonus Prize - BTC-ECHO

  • $3,000 (paid in LSK tokens)
  • Lisk swag
  • Preferential selection to join the Lisk Grant Program
  • Opportunity to promote their project further (Lisk blog, Lisk official YouTube channel, Lisk official social media channels)

Where to start: Join the HackOnLisk dedicated channel on Lisk.chat and connect with the Lisk community to find your teammates, brainstorm, get support, and stay informed.

What to build: Use JavaScript and Lisk SDK 5.1.0 to develop a blockchain application.

  • The blockchain application must be developed on its own blockchain using the Lisk SDK 5.1.0.
  • The complete code of the application needs to be public on GitHub. Provide a URL to your open-source code repository for judging and testing. Include a link to your repository hosting the code and all deployment files and testing instructions needed for testing your project in a README.md file.

What to submit:

  • Provide a link to a GitHub repository and other deployment files and testing instructions.
  • Include your project's name and a short description in your submission's readme file.
  • Deliver a user interface for your blockchain application.
  • Create a video (maximum of 10 minutes) that demonstrates your submission. Videos must be uploaded to YouTube and made public. (Videos will be uploaded to Lisk’s Official YouTube for voting purposes.)
    • Introduce your team, your motivation, and the blockchain application.
    • Explain the main features and functionalities of your blockchain application.
    • Include a demo of your working application.
  • Contribution to the Lisk Ecosystem How useful the blockchain application is for the Lisk ecosystem, and for the decentralization of the web as a whole (25%)
  • Originality & Creativity How new and novel the blockchain application is (25%)
  • Technical Difficulty The level of skill or knowledge required to build the blockchain application (25%)
  • User Experience How intuitive and understandable the submission is for the users(25%)

查看原文: https://hackonlisk.devpost.com/?ref_feature=challenge&ref_medium=discover



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