I have been surfing the website for a week, but I haven't found a job.
what should i do?
I only have four points, and I can't even submit my resume. I am engaged in back-end software development, and I can also do full-stack. If anyone needs me, they can find me.
There is obviously more candidates in "remote" field than employers. You need to be more positive, more qualified to get a job, and a little luck maybe. So just be patient, and keep looking, try every best you can.
And BTW, if you are good at English, there are tons of platforms/channels outside(TG/Twitter/Discord...). Try something different, as I said, be more positive.
All the best :)
I can't register for Telegram or Discord, and I don't know how to find an opportunity on Twitter or Instagram. Can you teach me?
As a Telegram and Discord account, you can buy phone cards on Taobao, otherwise you can buy already registered accounts on Taobao.
Also, how to find a job via Twitter or INS, you can use Google or YouTubeto learn some tips!
There are also some tips on how to promote yourself well:
I have been surfing the website for several years, but I haven't found a job.
Me too too
Me too
you need pay for the point to submit,nobody care the topics reply 😂
Me too
Can not find a job is a normal operation, more important is the mentality and ability, programmers for ability precipitation is more important, I believe that not have a job, to precipitate ability, I hope you can use a normal attitude to face.