讨论I have been surfing the website for a week, but I haven't found a job


I have been surfing the website for a week, but I haven't found a job.
what should i do?
I only have four points, and I can't even submit my resume. I am engaged in back-end software development, and I can also do full-stack. If anyone needs me, they can find me.


There is obviously more candidates in "remote" field than employers. You need to be more positive, more qualified to get a job, and a little luck maybe. So just be patient, and keep looking, try every best you can.

And BTW, if you are good at English, there are tons of platforms/channels outside(TG/Twitter/Discord...). Try something different, as I said, be more positive.

All the best :)

I can't register for Telegram or Discord, and I don't know how to find an opportunity on Twitter or Instagram. Can you teach me?

As a Telegram and Discord account, you can buy phone cards on Taobao, otherwise you can buy already registered accounts on Taobao.

Also, how to find a job via Twitter or INS, you can use Google or YouTubeto learn some tips!

There are also some tips on how to promote yourself well:

  1. Run your own blog to give more people a full picture of your talents and experience.
  2. Contribute code to the open source community, actively contribute to open source projects, you will get more resources and opportunities, for example, freecodecamp.org is a public service community to help people learn programming for free, and needs volunteer engineers.
  3. Create your own open source project, build your own project library in the code hosting platform.
  4. Explore and connect with product manager teams in some product communities to discover job opportunities, such as the partner and remote boards on indiehackers.com.

you need pay for the point to submit,nobody care the topics reply 😂


Can not find a job is a normal operation, more important is the mentality and ability, programmers for ability precipitation is more important, I believe that not have a job, to precipitate ability, I hope you can use a normal attitude to face.