1.精通React Native。
2.熟练掌握IOS(OC), Android (Java) 原生开发,主要涉及到对接外部蓝牙设备 或相关SDK。
4.熟悉AppCenter的使用,熟练掌握APP打包 上线全流程。
简历请直接投递至邮箱 yang.sun@airpha.com
Airpha offers a smart and reliable platform for everyone that wants to better understand and manage personal health and wellness. Our data scientists carefully collect and analyze the health indicators and information from home-use medical devices and integrate and present them to our users in ways that are secure, sensible, and actionable. Our forward-looking and long-term-based business model is predicated on our constant emphasis on virtue and integrity and the ultimate goal to serve and create values to our users. We at Airpha understand the need to care for oneself and others, and we actively collaborate with our selected medical device manufacturers to virtually connect you and your data to your healthcare providers and family members and to eventually cultivate a more affordable, assessible, and apprehensible health ecosystem for every individual.