分享Several important links in the process of website SEO optimization.


You should know that a complete SEO optimization plan includes too much. The website optimization plan mainly consists of four main links: website front-end production, website editing, website promotion, and data analysis.

The first part is front-end manufacturing. In the early stage of website planning, it is necessary to do a good job of the website's plane structure, various auxiliary navigations, content pages need to have relevant article recommendations, a brief introduction to the page structure, and as many effective parts as possible. Including website code optimization, robot files, secondary navigation settings, 404 template settings, 301 redirection, site map, picture Alt, title tag, website TDK, keyword density, personal keyword density, keywords in H1H2H3, keyword emphasis, nofollow added to external links, meta tags added to pages, rich web page summaries.

The second part is website editing. It is necessary to determine the source of the article. Manuscripts or pseudo-manuscripts, scanned secretaries, newspapers, magazines, etc. can be used as the source of the article. Then comes the writing of the article content, how to write titles, how to arrange keywords, and how to write the first descriptive article. When and where to add long-tail keywords. The anchor text setting of internal pages and the alt attribute of pictures are all SEO optimization work.

The third part is the SEO optimization extrapolation of the website, that is, sending links. External links emphasize high quality and do not send spam. The main channels for foreign links include: friendship links, blogs, forums, favorites, yellow pages, etc. If you can post Baidu Knows, Baidu Wenku, Baidu Experience, etc., it is of course the best. For domestic Baidu SEO, this is the highest foreign link resource.

The fourth part is data analysis. Traffic statistics tools can be used to analyze source keywords, user access paths, user hot click maps, etc. , depending on personal preferences, Baidu Statistics, CNZZ, etc. The second point is competitor analysis, analyzing how competitors write articles, how external links are sent, how keywords are set, how internal links are laid out, what the website structure is, how often articles are published, and the website structure.
